Our school is a small basic school in the town Klasterec nad Ohri. Our town is situated in the north- west of Czech Republic. It is an industrial town with many factories and long history of porcelain.
Not many of our students are interested in Science. Our school joined the project “The colours of Science” to encourage students to study science and show them the interesting things from Science, to understandscience is not boring. It was a chance for the school to continue withthe same partners from last Comenius project from 2012-2014 too.

Thirteen students from the sixth to the ninth class of our basic school were involved in the project “The colours of Science” in this school year. Every Monday they went to a special Science club to try many experiments and prepare themselves to show their experiments connected with the topic of the project to other students in Jaén. They went to the club and make Physics, Chemistry or Biology simple experiments.
For the first meeting in Jaén in Spain was planned in March 2020 and students prepared to show experiments of changing red plant pigments according to acidic or alkaline surroundings. In according of the change of colour the samples could be sort to the three groups of pigments. They also could be used as natural indicator of acidic or alkaline surroundings.

Unfortunately the meeting in Jaén was cancelled because of Covid 19 illness in Europe. It was a pity because we looked forward to meet other students from Spain, Portugal, Poland and Slovenia and see their work on project.
We hope we will be luckier next time in Autumn 2020 and the next meeting in Lisbon will take place.
Monika Bartova
ZŠ KlasterecnadOhri, CR